January 16, 2024 7 min read

While it’s not extremely common, there may be times when you accidentally get blood on your favorite set of bed sheets. Whether you scraped your knee, had a bloody nose in the middle of the night, or it’s “that time of the month,” blood can become a nuisance on your bedding every so often. Fortunately, it’s easy to remove blood stains from your sheets if you know the proper process. If you’re wondering how to get blood stains out of sheets, there are a few crucial things to keep in mind. This guide is chock-full of helpful tips and tricks along with quick, effective removal methods that are vital if you want to enjoy your favorite bedding for many years to come.

Act Fast: Immediate Steps to Take

If you notice the presence of blood on your sheets, it’s important to address it right away. The longer you wait, the more difficult the blood stain will be to remove. Old blood stains are much more stubborn and difficult to get out, so taking immediate steps will ensure that you’re able to remove the blood as effectively as possible. Start by blotting the blood from your sheets immediately with a soft cloth soaked in cold water. Never rub the blood, or it will make the problem worse since the blood will get pushed deeper into the sheets’ fibers. This is the first, most important step since it prevents the blood from spreading or becoming a permanent stain.

European Bedding European bed sheets

General Tips for Removing Blood Stains

European bedding sets European bedding style

While not every blood stain is the same, here are some general tips you should always follow when getting blood out of sheets.

  • Never use hot water when you’re removing blood stains from sheets, or any fabric for that matter. Make sure the water is extremely cold before you dab or soak the sheets. If the water is too hot, it will cause the blood proteins to further penetrate the material, which could lead to a permanent stain that you’re stuck with forever.
  • You can use a stain remover to get blood out of your sheets, but make sure it’s made of mild, gentle ingredients, as some stain removers can make the stain worse. Ideally, you should use a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to make your own stain treatment.
  • Before you apply any type of stain remover, make sure you test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it won’t damage the color of your sheets. This is particularly important if you have darker colored sheets because the hydrogen peroxide could bleach the material.
Luxury European bedding

DIY Home Remedies for Blood Stain Removal

If you’re wondering how to remove blood from sheets DIY, there are a few simple options you can try. With a few exceptions, these blood stain removers can be made with ingredients you’ll find lying around at home.

  • Hydrogen peroxide acts as a natural bleaching agent which helps to remove blood stains from sheets when mixed with water. This works well for both fresh blood and dried blood stains. Don’t pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain. Always make sure it’s mixed with around ½ cup of cold water before using it on your sheets.
  • If your favorite sheets are made of delicate materials like silk or linen, you can remove the blood with a simple salt paste. Mix one cup of cold water with one teaspoon of salt, then apply the mixture directly to the stain and gently rub it with a wet rag or soft bristled brush, and let it sit for between 10 and 15 minutes before you rinse the sheets with cold water. If the stain persists, let it sit for about half an hour before rinsing.
  • Using lemon juice is another great DIY home remedy. Mix two parts lemon juice with one part baking soda. Gently dab the excess blood with the mixture and let it sit for around five to ten minutes before rinsing the sheets under cold running water.
  • If you’re dealing with stubborn stains, look for an enzyme-based cleaner. The enzymes help to break up the blood protein, making it much easier to remove the stain once you run the sheets through the cold wash cycle.

Commercial Stain Removers for Blood Stains

There are also plenty of commercial stain remover products you can use to remove blood from sheets. The best stain remover products are from reputable brands like Oxi Clean, Tide Ultra, and Zout. Check the manufacturer’s label carefully and make sure that the cleaner is an enzyme-based cleaning product, which means it will effectively remove the stain without causing damage. Read and follow the product instructions carefully before you apply the product. Different brands may have different processes you should follow if you need to know how to get period blood out of sheets.

Bleach is an extremely powerful cleaning product that can remove almost any pesky stain. Unless you have white sheets, avoid using bleach to remove blood from your sheets since it will damage darker sheets and cause permanent discoloration. However, if your sheets are white, you can mix appropriately four tablespoons of bleach with around ¼-cup of cold water. Apply the mixture to the stained sheets and do a cold water soak for around 30 to 45 minutes.

European linen sheets

How to Get Dried Blood Out of Sheets: 3 Steps

Whether you need to know how to get period blood out of sheets or dried blood in general, follow these three steps for easy stain removal:

  • Step 1: Soak the stained sheet in cold water overnight. If you can’t leave it overnight, make sure you can let the sheets soak for at least a few hours.
  • Step 2: Pour hydrogen peroxide onto the dried blood stain. Remember, this method works for things like period stains and dry blood stains only. If it’s a fresh stain, remember to mix the hydrogen peroxide with cold water first.
  • Step 3: Machine wash the sheets in cold water using the regular washing cycle with a mild detergent along with a small amount of fabric safe bleach. If possible, air dry your sheets because if any of the stain remains, the heat from your dryer could make it worse.

Stain Removal Based on Fabric Type

How you clean blood stains from your sheets depends on the material they’re made of. Here are some stain removal tips based on different fabric types.

  • Cotton Sheets: Dab the stained area gently to remove excess residue, then soak your cotton sheets in cold water overnight. Following the three steps mentioned above should help you get blood out of cotton sheets.
  • Linen Sheets: Use an enzyme-based stain fighter to remove blood from delicate linen sheets. You can also use the salt water mixture mentioned above and try to gently rub the stain out of the linen with a soft brush before you machine wash the sheets on the cold cycle.
  • Microfiber and Synthetic Fabric: If your sheets are made of microfiber or synthetic fabric, try white vinegar. Simply pour white vinegar directly onto the stained area and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Blot the stain with a dry cloth or paper towel and repeat, if necessary, then rinse with cold water.

Tough Stains and Persistent Marks

There may be times when removing blood from your sheets completely is extremely difficult. Some of the toughest stains may require you to repeat the stain removal process more than once. If you find that you’re still having trouble, it might be time to seek professional help from a local cleaners or dry cleaner, especially if your sheets are made of delicate fabrics.

Unfortunately, there could be a time when you simply need to replace your favorite sheets with a new set. If the blood doesn’t come out of the bed sheet completely, then it’s time to start shopping for something new. Harsh products like bleach can also weaken the fibers of your sheets, causing them to wear out or tear prematurely.

Preventive Measures for Future Incidents

Whether you’re looking for ways to protect your own bed sheets or the sheets you’ve purchased for a vacation rental, there are some things you can do to help prevent future incidents.

  • Use a mattress protector to provide a layer between your sheets and the mattress. This will ensure that if your sheets do end up with blood stains, your mattress won’t be affected too.
  • While you should always try to remove blood from sheets as soon as possible, remember to address the reason why the blood is there in the first place. For example, if you’re injured or you wake up with a bloody nose, it might be a health-related problem that requires the attention of a medical professional.
  • Follow a consistent maintenance and washing routine to keep your sheets as clean as possible. This also makes it easy to identify any blood stains you might have missed.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Blood Out of Sheets

There’s no better feeling than sleeping on a nice, clean set of sheets. Remember the key methods for how to get blood stains out of sheets like immediately blotting the stain, soaking your sheets in cold water, and utilizing one of the DIY methods listed in our guide. Taking immediate action ensures that your sheets last longer and you get better sleep quality every night. If you’re looking for high-quality, luxurious sheets, shop the selection at Or & Zon, and feel free to tell us your own tips and experiences about how to get blood out of sheets.