October 18, 2023 6 min read

Owning an Airbnb or a vacation rental property is a great way to make extra income and provide a unique experience to guests. If you own such a property, providing high-quality bedding for your Airbnb or vacation rental property guests is crucial to ensure that they have a quality experience and get a comfortable, restful night’s sleep. Before you head out to purchase new bedding, what are the best sheets for Airbnb or vacation rental properties? Read on to learn more about how to choose the best bed sheets for Airbnb rental properties to get stellar reviews and happy guests.

The Significance of Quality Sheets for Rental Properties

Choosing bedding that’s both comfortable and well-maintained will help to positively impact the guest reviews and ratings you receive, making yours the best Airbnb around. When someone pays to stay at your property, they want to have a pleasant experience from start to finish. Choosing high quality sheets for Airbnb properties is just one key part of the bigger picture. There is a very strong connection between guest satisfaction and repeat bookings, which means that you’ll get more business and a great return on your investment. So, how do you know which are the best sheets for vacation rental properties and Airbnb properties for 5 star reviews? There are some important criteria to consider, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

vacation rental sheets Best sheets airbnb

Criteria for Selecting Sheets for Rental Properties

best sheets for rental properties Sheet materials for Airbnb

There are a few key factors to consider when choosing sheets for rental properties:

  • Durability: When you’re looking for new sheets for your Airbnb, make sure they’re made of durable, quality materials. Thin sheets and low-quality materials can easily rip, slide off the bed, and start to pill quickly. Not only will this create an unpleasant experience for your guests, but you’ll end up having to pay more to replace the sheets much sooner and more often than if you were to invest in durable sheets in the first place.
  • Easy maintenance: Since you’re responsible for keeping your Airbnb bed sheets clean, it’s vital to choose options that are easy to care for. Materials like cotton and microfiber sheets are both easy to wash and dry. While you might be tempted to use white sheets, it’s best to avoid this color since it will show marks and get stained more easily than something in a darker color or pattern. Look for materials that are wrinkle free, so you don’t have to spend your free time ironing sheets.
  • Quality: It’s important to find a balance between comfort, quality, and practicality. Choose quality bed sheets with high thread counts like Egyptian cotton or opt for bamboo sheets that are soft and cool. Using a high quality material like linen will make the experience more luxurious, and give your vacation rental property a luxe, hotel-like feel.
Bedding for airbnb

Sheet Materials for Airbnb and Vacation Rentals

There are some key advantages and disadvantages of different sheet materials for rental properties to be aware of. Examining the pros and cons of these various vacation rental sheets can help you make an informed decision about which option will suit your guests’ needs, as well as your own.

  • Cotton: Thanks to their versatility and breathability, cotton sheets are a great choice for vacation rentals that make for a cozy bed. Not only is cotton soft to the touch and easy to clean, but it’s a great option for those with allergies or sensitive skin, too. Look for sheets for your vacation rental made of 100 percent certified organic cotton which ensures that no additives or potentially dangerous chemicals were used to make them. One main downside to cotton is that it tends to shrink and fade quicker than some other materials, so keep that in mind. You can combat shrinking by carefully following the care instructions on your sheets.
  • Microfiber: If you’re looking for something low maintenance and wrinkle resistant, try a microfiber sheet set. Microfiber is one of the best wrinkle-free sheets for Airbnb rentals. These quality sheets are not just affordable and colorfast, but microfiber also has a nice, smooth feel and it’s a good option for rental properties that are located in cold climates. However, if your property is located in a warm area, microfiber is not as breathable as cotton or linen which means that it can trap body heat, so your guests may end up feeling overheated. Sheets need to be breathable and moisture-wicking if you’re concerned about your guests keeping cool and comfortable.
  • Linen: When it comes to extremely high quality sheets, linen is one of the top performers. This all-natural material only gets softer with every wash, and it’s free from harsh chemicals and other toxins since it comes from the flax plant. If your short term rental property is geared toward a more high-end demographic, then linen sheets are a must. While linen definitely costs more than some other alternatives, it’s worth the investment if you want to use good quality bedding in your Airbnb or vacation rental.

Thread Count and Quality Considerations

Thread count plays a vital role in choosing the best sheets with the highest quality for your rental space. Sheets with a high thread count tend to be more durable, and they also feel more luxurious, too. This term refers to the amount of horizontal and vertical threads the material has per square inch. It’s important to note that a higher thread count doesn’t always mean higher quality os that they're the best bed sheets for Airbnb properties. Generally, the material, weave, and thread count together to make the most comfortable sheets. However, durability is important, so look for sets of sheets that have a thread count of around 200 to 400 for maximum comfort. When the bedding has a higher thread count over this threshold, it can become too dense and not breathable enough for a good night’s sleep.

Best Bedding for short term rental properties

Bed Sizes and Versatility

Your vacation rental bedroom may use a full, queen, or king-size bed depending on the amount of available space you have to offer. Sheets come in various sizes based on the specific bed size you have. Make sure you select sheet sets that fit the proper bed size you have in your rental, so they fit snugly without being too loose or slipping off the mattress. For example, purchase a set that includes a fitted sheet and a flat sheet made for queen beds if that’s what you have. You can also look for a bed sheet set that has flat sheets and fitted sheets designed to fit multiple bed sizes for more versatility. In many cases, sheets that fit a full-size bed will also fit a queen bed, for example. If you’re in doubt, always make sure to measure the size of your rental property bed to ensure you’re getting the appropriate fit.

Stain Resistance and Easy-Care Sheets

The best sheets for Airbnb and vacation rental properties should be stain-resistant and easy to care for. Not only will this minimize your time spent cleaning and reduce operation costs, but it will also help to reduce how many sheets you need to buy in the long term, saving you even more money. Here are some tips to help you choose good quality sheets that will make life easier for you as a host.

  • Many rental hosts like microfiber because of its affordable price point and because it’s automatically wrinkle-resistant. Once the material is washed, a cycle in the dryer should result in smooth, soft sheets that you can immediately put back on the bed.
  • Cotton is another easy-care option that makes some of the best Airbnb bed sheets. When washing cotton sheets, make sure you wash them alone without other items like bath and beach towels to prevent friction that could cause lint and pilling.
  • Always keep a few stain treatments on hand including spot stain removers and bleach so it’s easy to remove visible stains and keep your Airbnb sheets sanitized. Keep in mind that certain items like silk sheets cannot be washed with bleach or it could cause permanent damage.

Pricing and Budget Considerations

Even the best sheets should have a balance between cost and quality to ensure your guests have a great night’s sleep without breaking the bank. Look for budget-friendly options like organic cotton sheets that will ensure you don’t compromise guest satisfaction. Flannel sheets are also very affordable and work great if you have a vacation rental located in a cold, snowy climate. Overall, the best bed sheets for Airbnb and vacation rentals should be one that fits within your budget without sacrificing comfort.

Final Thoughts on what are the best sheets for Airbnb or vacation rental

From the material and thread count to maintenance and care, remember these tips to help you choose the best sheets for vacation rental and Airbnb properties. Prioritize high-quality bedding and think of it as an investment to help ensure that your rental property is a success. If you’re looking for soft, organic bedding that will enhance your guests’ experience, explore the selection of products from Or & Zon to make your rental property one to remember.