January 03, 2023 3 min read

Are you tired of messy, wrinkled sheets taking the focus away from your stylish bedding? We get it. Crinkled sheets can be a chic statement, but for those who love a permanently perfect look, wrinkle free sheets are the best solution. Keep reading to discover the best wrinkle free sheets, what makes sheets wrinkle free, and how to keep sheets from wrinkling. Then, say goodnight to creases for good!

What Makes Sheets Wrinkle Free?

Most widely available wrinkle free sheets are made from synthetic materials like polyester. as a petroleum-based fabric essentially just plastic polyester is no-no for bedding. textiles release harmful chemicals when heated plus they can cause or exacerbate skin irritations.

wrinkle free sheets wrinkle resistant fabrics

Other wrinkle resistant fabrics are treated with a formaldehyde resin. Chances are, you’ve heard about formaldehyde’s health risks before. It’s a preservative often used for embalming, after all! Exposure to this substance can irritate the throat, lungs, eyes, and skin, and chronic exposure is linked to cancer. Clearly, these options aren’t the best for sleepers, workers, or the environment. So what other options are there?

Is There a Safe Alternative to Wrinkle Free Sheets?

safe wrinkle free sheets? Cotton sateen

Do safe, wrinkle free sheets exist? Yes! The best wrinkle free sheets are made from soft, organic cotton sateen. Cotton sateen is tightly woven in a one-yarn-under, three-yarns-over pattern which prevents creases from forming in the fabric. All of this is without the need for dangerous additives too! And while sateen often has higher thread counts than other cotton weaves, avoid viewing thread count as an indicator of wrinkle resistance. It’s the weave that matters, not the yarn density.

At Or & Zon, we proudly boast about the safety and sustainability of our A wrinkle free sateen sheets . But you don’t have to take our word for it. Trust our Oeko-Tex certification! Their coveted stamp of approval means our organic sateen bedding is free from toxic levels of over 100 substances known to harm human health.

Relax in safe and sound bedding. A sateen bed sets Shop sateen bed sets from Or & Zon today!

How to Keep Sheets From Wrinkling?

Unless you’re choosing crease free options, most fabrics naturally wrinkle at least a little bit. It’s normal! That is, unless you buy A wrinkle resistant bedding , like Or & Zon’s sateen sheets. But you can still prevent most creases from forming by treating your garments with proper care.

Tips for Wrinkle Free Sheets:

  • Unravel sheets before washing. Don’t toss them in the laundry all tangled up in a ball!
  • Launder your sheets separately. Crowding your washing machine or dryer is a recipe for wrinkles.
  • Promptly remove sheets from the washer or dryer once their cycles are complete. Leaving your bedding to sit too long can cause more creasing.
  • Air dry sheets for best results. Shake out your sheet, then hang it up for wrinkle reduction and greater longevity of your garment.
  • Remove sheets from the dryer while they’re still slightly damp, and immediately put them on your bed. Or, place your fully dried sheets on your bed and mist them with water, then let them air dry.

How to Fix Wrinkled Sheets:

No one’s perfect. Your sheets might get a little wrinkled from time to time! But don’t worry. You can still treat any creases that may come your way.


  • Iron. Ironing is the classic method of removing stubborn creases from fabric. Ensure you use the correct temperature on your garment, so you don’t burn the textile. You can typically find this information on the care label.
  • Steam. As you might have guessed, steamers use steam to straighten out garments. They range from handheld to standup models, so you can choose what’s most convenient for you. Steamers may be less daunting to those intimidated by irons, but beware that the hot water vapor still poses safety risks, so use with caution.
  • Spritz with water. Wrinkle removal can be shockingly easy! With your sheets still on your bed, spray them with a bit of water and let them air dry. Voila!
  • Rewash them. LWorst case scenario, your sheets might need to return to the laundry for another spin cycle. Use the prevention methods mentioned above for the fewest wrinkles possible.

Find Wrinkle Free Cotton Sheets at Or & Zon!

Permanently remove “iron sheets” from your to-do list when you shop wrinkle free sateen sheets from Or & Zon. Curl up knowing you never have to worry about messiness, safety, or sustainability when wrapped in the best wrinkle free sheets around. Organic and Oeko-Tex certified, you’ll sleep soundly for life on this gorgeous bedding. Browse our collection of wrinkle free cotton sheets today.