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June 03, 2021 5 min read
You may be surprised at how this can be a major make-or-break factor in bringing you comfort while you catch those Zs. And how being knowledgeable of the same will help you maintain pillows past their average lifespan. Before we get to the basic elements that can tell you it’s time to replace those fluffy feathered cushions, here’s a summary of the different types of pillows.
Down pillows are made from feathers that are quill-less. They have a softness that lets them follow the contour of the object placed atop them. In a way, this characteristic is what makes downs customizable for each individual.
How long do feather pillows last? Feather pillows are among the more longer-lasting of the group. With care and maintenance, many live on for a decade or more. By “live on”, we mean that they retain their structural integrity and plushness through the years.
Synthetic pillows are considered skin-safe as they are hypoallergenic. The absence of natural materials such as feathers contributes to this component. Although they are on the economical side of pricing, they are nonetheless comfy to use and do not require complicated instructions for maintenance.
Foam pillows, like their synthetic alternative, are effective in keeping allergens at bay. What’s more, they do not easily attract the sporadic growth of mold and mildew due to their breathability and capacity to dissipate moisture fast.
Once the interior of your pillows, often referred to as fillers and/or foam materials, begin to incur lumps, that may very well be your green light to change them altogether. Cushion stuffings become lumpy due to the collection of debris and moisture over time. In other words, it’s a natural and almost inevitable occurrence when it comes to your foam pillow.
Are you aware that your body reacts to old pillows, too? By sneezing. Old pillows are havens for dust. In fact, most if not all fixing and furnishings collect these infinitesimally tiny scatterings of dirt. Anything under the sun that is not enclosed in a vacuum is a potential home for pesky dust sprinkles.
So, when dust and debris are not visible on your pillows, your nose may tell you otherwise. When it does, start searching through our Or&Zon catalogs for the perfect throw pillows.
Here is a much more manifest indicator that your bed and couch throw pillows are in dire need of replacing - discoloration and stains. Discoloration happens over a long period of time. It’s only natural for fabrics, even those which are of high quality, to lose their vibrant colors when constantly used. To further this, exposure to dust, sunlight, and varying temperatures can add to color-fading, too.
Secondly, noticeable stains that have become tough to get rid of even after washing them is another pointer that you need new pillowcases and pillows stat.
Fluffing your cushions allows fillers to receive better airflow, which then equates to more fluff and plushness in your bohemian pillows. However, if you see yourself fluffing them all too often, pillow-purchasing is probably at the offing. By the way, experts say that cushion-fluffing twice a day is frequent enough. Or you can do this just whenever you feel like it’s a good time to lay your head on one.
Try folding your pillow in half. Then observe if it will still go back to its original form or remain flat and fluff-less. It should take no more than a few seconds for it to unfold and puff up to its normal height and/or width.
In case it doesn’t return to its bouncy, fluffy shape the way that it should, say goodbye to them and bring in a new bunch of Or&Zon cushions.
Another bodily reaction that will alert you to the necessity of changing your pillows and cushions is when you begin to have headaches, and neck and shoulder pains after resting your head on them.
When pillow fillers wear down, they thin and lose their fluffiness. If you’ve been used to sleeping comfortably on plush ones, this may be the reason for your chronic headaches, neck and shoulder pains.
We brushed on this a bit earlier. Now, let’s give it some emphasis. Your pillow lifespan can be lengthened when you fluff it on a daily basis. Aside from letting air flow through its fibers and/or feather materials therein, it rearranges the same pillow fillings for a more bouncy feel.
Just ascertain that you fluff them with a dash of delicateness and love.
This may be difficult to carry out especially during humid and/or cold seasons. Nonetheless, you may ask, how long to keep pillows or how long do down pillows last? As long as you are able to keep them dry? Over and beyond the average.
Some work is required for drying pillows the right way, and in the event that air and sun-drying leave them slightly damp. Utilize a hairdryer. Switch it to its non-heat setting. The cool air can evaporate moisture and lower the risk of mold and mildew regrowth later on.
In addition to this, dryer balls are simple yet efficient tools for wicking moisture away. They work great when storing pillows, too. More on this below.
Once cleaned, washed, and dried, wrap the pillow in an Or&Zon pillow cover. Next, envelop it in a plastic wrap that contains mid-breathability. You’ll want to keep dust and moisture out but won’t want to stifle the cushion.
Following this, tape the openings of the plastic wrap. Seal them shut so that air will not enter these openings, nor escape them. You don’t have to enclose it tightly since you are to give the cushion room to lay down flat, yet without altering its shape.
Set them aside in a corner that isn’t directly hit by sunlight. Cabinets that are far from windows are the ideal choice. Such locations usually sustain consistent room temperature which is perfect for preventing dampness. And ultimately, for preventing mold and mildew from mushrooming.
Extra Tip: For regions that are high in humidity, there’s hope! Choose a room or space that isn’t as repeatedly used in comparison to other areas in your home. If it doesn’t have a large cabinet, stuff your pillows (but don’t overstuff) in a box. Line the exterior of the box with a layer of plastic wrap. It will serve as an additional layer of protection against dust and moisture. That’s it! It’ll be good to go. Rather, good to store.
Besides drying, sunshine and wind are natural elements that can help your pillows to stay in great shape
Some bedding sets and cushions come with their own care and maintenance guidelines. Thoroughly observe them in order for you to wash and dry pillows without damaging their materials. Apart from that, properly washing cushions (not all pillows are to be thrown into a washing machine and spun, so do refer to said care guide) can add more years to them. That’s both in appearance as well as in function.